
Antiseptic for impregnating wood by immersion or in a spray chamber

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The antiseptic drug Sinesto® is registered in more than 20 countries and occupies a leading position in Europe among wood preservatives, accounting for 40% of sales markets.

The duration of Sinesto® protection is ensured by the fact that when treated with a solution, the normal pH level of the tree – 5.5 increases to 9, while increasing the negative charge of the tree, which attracts the positively charged ion of trimethylcocoammonium chloride, the active component of Sinesto®, which does not contain carcinogens .

The active components of Sinesto® are absorbed into the surface of the wood at a depth of 1-2 mm, where they bind to the cellular tissue. After drying the surface, most of the protective agent remains fixed inside the wood. Therefore, Sinesto® is not washed off the surface of the tree either by snow or rain, which is important when transporting lumber packages in open wagons or during atmospheric drying.

All conclusions about the effectiveness of Sinesto® protection are made on the basis of tests under the most favorable conditions for the growth of fungi, temperature + 35 ° C and humidity 100%. Two packets of freshly sawn boards are wrapped in plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect and placed in a thermal chamber. In this case, one package is processed by Sinesto®, and the other is not. Under such conditions, unprotected wood turns blue within 2 to 5 days, and protected Sinesto® resists blueing when treated with a solution of 5% concentration for 3 months, and at 8% concentration for 4 months.

Timber treatment with Sinesto® is recommended immediately after felling or sawing. This prevents the appearance of defects in the blueness of the wood already before the start of its further processing. However, Sinesto® provides long-term protection, regardless of whether the timber has been treated after sawing before packaging or after technical drying. The right concentration with the right application guarantees reliable protection for various conditions.

Sinesto® can be applied using the dip method or by treating the wood surface in a spray booth.

The low surface tension of the Sinesto® mortar makes it easier for the mortar to penetrate the stack. The active components of Sinesto® are absorbed into the surface of the wood at a depth of 1-2 mm, where they bind to the cellular tissue. After the surface has dried, most of the protective agent remains fixed inside the wood.

When wood is immersed in a solution containing Sinesto®, the concentration of the solution depends on the method of immersion, the desired duration of the protective treatment and the local climatic conditions. The processing time is determined by the desired degree of protection and the structure of the lumber stacks. For loose bags, a 5-8% solution should be used, and an immersion time of just one minute is sufficient. When processing dense packages of lumber, the duration of the immersion is set individually for each case.

In spray treatment, the solution is sprayed onto the surface of the individual boards in a spray chamber. Freshly sawn boards enter the chamber along the conveyor before sorting and stacking in packs. Solution concentration, delivery system speed and number of spray nozzles are important factors in achieving effective protection.

The preparation and application of the Sinesto® solution is very simple. It is enough to mix it with water in the correct proportions. After gentle stirring, a homogenized solution is obtained. One of the advantages of this liquid product is the absence of harmful gases and dust emissions when mixing the solution.

There is a simple and inexpensive express method for determining the concentration of a solution using special tablets and a two-color table. This method does not require a laboratory or special equipment.

Sinesto® treated lumber can even be used safely for fruit crates, food packaging or shipping pallets. Since the preservatives do not produce harmful fumes, treated lumber intended for use as an interior finish does not need to be further processed.

Sinesto® is supplied in 1000 kg containers or 25 kg plastic cans. It is desirable to store them at a temperature of 0-20ºС. Storage of the drug under such conditions can be carried out for 10 years and without damage to its properties. If Sinesto® is allowed to freeze during storage or transport, this will not affect its quality.

Sinesto® is not washed off the surface of the tree either by snow or rain, which is important when transporting lumber packages in open wagons.

Sinesto® is biologically degradable. This means that the active ingredients do not remain in the ground, but are biologically decomposed under the influence of soil microorganisms. The processed material is harmless to animals. Environmental compatibility also means safe disposal. Tests have shown that incineration or composting are safe methods for disposing of leftover grout after dip treatment and for disposal of treated lumber waste.

Wood preservative

There are various types of protection products, but the most common are wood preservatives and general impregnations, which are developed for indoor and outdoor use. Antiseptics for wood can ensure its safety for a period of several months to 20 years.

According to the degree of solubility, an antiseptic for wood and lumber can be:

  • water-soluble (water-based antiseptic),
  • solvent-soluble (based on organic solvents),
  • oily (oil-based antiseptic),
  • combined (antiseptic based on a combination of the previous ones).

A preservative for wood and lumber must be highly toxic in order to destroy the organisms associated with decay. But in fact, the antiseptic should penetrate the wood and make it an unsuitable environment for pests, but at the same time preserve the structure of the tree and be safe for the environment.

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