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Dispensers for packing tapes have a set of models and complete sets. Depending on the requirements for the tape unwinder, additional items may be included in the kit. Devices have seats for rolls for tapes with different inner diameters, can be equipped with wheeled chassis and boxes for packaging tools. The VolgaStrap catalog contains various dispensers for steel and plastic tapes of different widths.

Benefits of working with packaging tape dispensers

The strapping of goods can be done manually, however, with this solution, the risk of using an excessively large amount of tape or, conversely, insufficient is increased. Dispensers allow you to wind up the amount of material that is required for a particular package, spending it accurately and economically. In addition, the tape unwinder, due to a special seat for rolls, helps to wind the tape without it jumping off the edge of the reel and tangling. This allows you to perform winding without time losses and additional labor costs.

To find out about the conditions for buying a tape dispenser and special offers, please contact our managers.

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