SPECTA offers a packaging protective film based on high-strength polyethylene, which is able to protect against ultraviolet and infrared radiation, and is also resistant to low temperatures. Our protective film is available in one or two colors and can include your company logo. After use, this packaging material can be disposed of and used for further processing. The implemented protective film from SPECTA is a high-quality product made of woven polyethylene made in Korea and a film made of polypropylene made in Canada.

Polypropylene protective film has good mechanical and physical properties. It perfectly protects objects made of wood and metals (aluminum, steel, etc.). The protective film helps to avoid corrosion, scratches, pollution.

The protective film will protect a variety of products: from technology to glass and building materials. It is used at enterprises for the production of building materials, at metal-rolling enterprises, etc. Films are especially needed to protect painted, laminated, polished and some other types of surfaces. They peel off easily and leave no marks on the surface. It protects cargo and goods from pollution and damage during transportation, storage, operation, etc., and thanks to it they are delivered to their destination in excellent condition. For example, a protective film reliably protects transport packages with lumber, which, during transportation, can be damaged by a damp environment or high humidity. Due to the properties of the film, products packed in it can stay in open areas for up to several months.

The protective film is divided into types depending on the adhesive layer: with a one-sided layer, with a double-sided one and without it at all. According to the color scheme, it can be black and white, transparent, color, tinted / reflective, mirror protective film.

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